Jane’s World: The Case of the Mail Order Bride by Paige Braddock

Jane’s World: The Case of the Mail Order Bride by Paige Braddock is chock-full of humor and wild ride of idiots running amok in Northern California. It’s absurd, ridiculous and loads of fun.

Jane is a quirky goofball who is a former journalist turned librarian. Recently single and not happy about it Jane is slugging through her daily life wondering why Dorothy (the ex) has dumped her yet again. Jane doesn’t seem to have a whole lot of direction in her life (early 30s) at this point when most people are settling into their career and this seems to be the strife between her and Dorothy. All of the sudden because of a $10,000 PayBuddy (Paypal wannabe) mistake as mail order bride named Natasha shows up at her door.

Dorothy loves Jane. She is heartbroken and is kicking herself for letting Jane go. She needs Jane to be more, she needs her to grow up but she’s not really sure why, other than the fact that they always seem to out of sync. Let’s just say Dorothy is less than thrilled when she finds out Jane is “engaged” to a mail order bride from Transnistria.

This whole story is illogical and ludicrous but it is great fun. You have to know going into this one that the whole story is just good, lighthearted fun. It was definitely refreshing to read, I didn’t love it but it has a heavy like.

3 out of 5 stars

  • Publisher: Bold Strokes Books
  • www,boldstrokesbooks.com

Jane’s World: The Case of the Mail Order Bride
by Paige Braddock
Link: http://amzn.com/1626394946